We are a small code of ethics Rottweiler breeder located in Dunnellon, FL. Since 1993 I have loved and owned this wonderful breed as family pets. In 2008 I wanted to do something more with this breed we searched for a couple excellent quality puppies. I contacted a couple local breeders but were not so happy with what we seen. Its than we started to look in Germany and through out Europe for a better quality Rottweiler. We just simply wanted the best and did not want to settle for anything less.

Shortly after my search I purchased my first import Rottweiler Zivan von der Janvari. I traveled all over the world with Zivan and the young male won 16 times V1 from 26 shows and the other places were V2 and V3.  He was multiple times best male at show and is Multi Champion. I fell in love with the temperament of this dog so much I made him my personal dog as well as my service dog to help with some disabilities I have today. Zivan went everywhere with me even when I fly to Germany he rode in the plane with me. Unfortunately he passed away and I now have his son Falko who is just like Zivan but a little bit bigger.

Today VHB Rottweiler kennel is still very heavy into showing our dogs, before they are bred they are shown all over the World and most become multi champions. in 2014 We traveled all over the globe showing at all the big shows including the IFR World show in Italy with 450 Rottweilers, the ADRK World show 250 Rottweilers and the ADRK Klubsieger show in Germany with 450 rottweilers. All of our dogs entered were V Rated (Excellent rated) this is the highest rating you can achieve at a sieger show. In Italy our young female was V2 from 30 females. In Germany at the ADRK World Sieger show our young male was V1 and Jugsten BOB (Best young dog in the World!) This is the best an American has done at this event.  

We are also very heavy into working our dogs in service dog training, Obedience, Tracking and protection training. All of our dogs are temperament tested before they are bred. In late 2013 we traveled to Germany to research and learn from the best trainers in Germany about the Rottweiler’s and the testing they do there. This is not something that can be learned overnight. We wanted to stay there for a year and learn from the best Rottweiler trainer in the World. This person has been training Rottweilers for 40 years and has titled all the famous Rottweilers pas and present. This is again something no other American has successfully done. We had to get permission from the ADRK (German Rottweiler kennel Klub) and the club members of BG-Speicher a ADRK training facility in Germany. After we got the permission we found a house and built a small kennel close to the field were we learned for one year from the best trainers in the World. During this time we titled two dogs and today we still have dogs being titled there. One recently had the Best ZTP from 8 Rottweilers entered into the test and in her IPO I, scored 272 points with 96 points in the protection phase.

Rottweilers are my Passion and I’m happy to say vom haus Burns is one of the top Rottweiler kennels in the World! As of now we have dogs from our kennel competing in places such as Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, all over the USA, Canada, The Bahamas, The Caribbean, Mexico and even South Africa.  since 2009 we have produced more champion rottweilers with working titles and breed temperament test than any other kennel in USA! If you are looking for the very best complete Rottweiler with matching looks, temperament and intelligence than please feel free to contact us Today.

I am a Licensed AKC Temperament test evaluator, and the president of the American Rottweiler Verein which has been active in the rottweiler community since 1990. We currently hold training sessions here in Dunnellon, FL as well as organized Rottweiler shows, seminars and other educational events throughout the USA

Michael Burns

We Have Puppies! Current Litters listed below - accepting deposits now!

Litter whelped January 22nd 2025 - Falko vom Haus Burns x Ada Zemunikom

Litter expected January 30th 2025 - Falko vom Haus Burns x Amba Hause Acimovic

Upcoming Litter - accepting deposits now

We also have some older puppies ready to go home Now! Contact us for more info at 352-691-8377 or 951-231-0009

September 15 & 16, 2018 RKNA Klubsieger Show Show, Lodi, CA

Judge  - Renee Kennedy - FCI Austrailia

Results: Olivia vom Haus Burns VP2 in 4-6 puppy, Norman vom Haus Burns SG2 in the 9-15 mo class, Lea vom Haus Burns SG2 in the 9-15 mo class,

Kantara vom Haus Burns SG3 in the 9-15 mo class, Mystic vom Haus Burns SG1 in the 12-18 mo class, Jeffe vom Haus Burns SG2 in the 12-18 mo class,

Falko vom Haus Burns SG1 in the 15-24 mo class, Diva vom Haus Burns V2 in the Working class,

Trixie vom Haus Burns V1 in the Champion class Plus Klubsiegeren and Best of Breed !


August 11 & 12, 2018 NIRK Breed Show, San Leandro, CA

Judge  – Guy Verschatse & Brian Beard

Day One Results:

Ottis Vom Haus Burns VP1 in 4-6 puppy, Norman vom Haus Burns VP2 in 6-9 puppy, Falko vom Haus Burns V3, Diva vom Haus Burns V1 & Siegeren

Day Two Results:

Ottis Vom Haus Burns VP1 in 4-6 puppy, Norman vom Haus Burns VP2 in 6-9 puppy, Falko vom Haus Burns V1, Diva vom Haus Burns V2


May 14th, 2017 VDH International Show, Neumunster, Germany

Judge  – Uwe Peterman – ADRK Koremeister

Queen vom Haus Burns V1 from Working class females plus Best female and Best of Opposite sex.

With this win Queen vom Haus Burns is now VDH German Champion !!!

This is the first for a American bred Rottweiler to Acheive this title.


May 7th, 2017 ADRK Breed Show in Speicher, Germany

Judge  – Anton Spindler – ADRK 

Queen vom Haus Burns V1 from Working class females and Diva vom Haus Burns gets V3 from Jugend 1 class


April 8, 2017 RKNA Breed Show Victoria, Canada

Judge  – Dr. Peter Fredrick – ADRK Judge and President of the VDH (German Kennel Club) 

Queen vom Haus Burns V1, Best Female and Best of Breed

Falko vom Haus Burns VP1, Best Male Puppy

Diva vom Haus Burns VP1, Best Female Puppy and Jr. Best of Breed


March 26, 2017 International Show in Neuwied, Germany

Judge  – Edgar Hellmann – ADRK Judge and Breed Warden 

Riddick vom Haus Burns V1 CAC-Res. Working Male Class and Urka vom Haus Burns V1 Working Female Class

March 12, 2017 Internation Show in Offenburg, Germany

Judge  – Rudiger Schmidt – Vice president of the ADRK

Riddick vom Haus Burns V1 Open Male Class Urka vom Haus Burns V2 Open Female Class



 NORCO, CA OCTOBER 29 & 30, 2016

Judge’s  – Edgar Hellmann and Paul Dieter Vehoff ADRK Germany

Riddick vom Haus Burns V1 Open Male Class V1 Both Days under Both Judges


2016 ADRK BG Hardt Show, Germany June 26, 2016

Queen vom Haus Burns V1 Working Class

Judge – Anton Spindler, ADRK, Germany

Urka vom Haus Burns V2 Jugend Class.


2016 ADRK Kylltalschau, Speicher, Germany May 1, 2016

Judge – Werner Walter, ADRK, Germany

Queen vom Haus Burns V2 Intermediate Class

Urka vom Haus Burns V1 Jugend Class


RKNA Breed Show, Norco, CA. April 9th 2016

Judge – Siegmund Trebschuh – ADRK Germany


Xara vom Haus Burns 6-9 Female Class VP2

Sassy vom Haus Burns Intermediate Class V1

Trixie vom Haus Burns Champion Class V2

Kira vom Haus Burns Working Class V1

2016 Diechstadt Breed Show, Neuwied, Germany April 10, 2016

Judge – Professor Peter Fredrich ADRK Germany and President of the VDH

42 International Show, Nurnberg, Germany Jan. 10th

Judge – Helmut Weiler ADRK Germany

Queen Vom Haus Burns V1, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH

2015 RKNA Breed Show, Klubsieger SHow, ZTP & SE

October 23rd and 24th 2015

2015 RKNA Breed Show, ZTP & SE September 20, 2015

Judges Peter Fredrich ADRK Germany & President of the VDH

Sassy vom Haus Burns V1 9-12 Female & Best Female Puppy
Junior vom Haus Burns V1 Open Male
Kira vom Haus Burns V1, Best Female and Best of Opposite

Vom Haus Burns Rottweiler Kennel Best Kennel !!! 

2015 RKNA Spring Breed Show, ZTP & SE April 10-12, 2015

Judges Yvonne Bekkers FCI Netherlands and Paul Dieter Vehoff ADRK Germany

Day One results:
Santo vom Haus Burns VP1 4-6 Males
DMR’s Christopher VP3 6-9 Males
DMR’s Blade vom Haus Burns VP3
Queen vom haus Burns VP2 6-9 Females
Quota vom Haus Burns VP3 6-9 Females
Jeff vom Neunkircher Scloss V4 18-24 Males
Hajo von der Crossener Ranch V1 18-24 Males and Best youth Male
Zivan von der Janvari V4 Champion Males
King vom Deniel Rott V1 Working Males
Trixie vom Haus Burns V1 Open Female
Sierra vom Haus Burns V2 Champion Females
Daisy vom Haus Burns V1 Working Females Plus Best Female and Best of Breed !!!

2015 RKNA Spring Breed Show, ZTP & SE April 10-12, 2015

Judges Yvonne Bekkers FCI Netherlands and Paul Dieter Vehoff ADRK Germany

Day Two results:
Santo vom Haus Burns VP2 4-6 Males
DMR’s Christopher VP3 6-9 Males
DMR’s Blade vom Haus Burns VP2
Queen vom haus Burns P4 6-9 Females
Quota vom Haus Burns VP1 6-9 Females plus Best Female Puppy
Jeff vom Neunkircher Scloss V2 18-24 Males
King vom Deniel Rott V3 Working Males
Trixie vom Haus Burns V2 Open Female
Sierra vom Haus Burns V1 Champion Females and becomes RKNA Champion.
Daisy vom Haus Burns V1 Working Females Plus Best Female and Best of Breed !!! 

After this weekend Daisy has now also earned her RKNA Champion Title and RKNA Silver Merit Award. 

Passing the RKNA ZTP, Daisy vom Haus Burns and Maxi von Der Siegquelle



USRC Northwest sieger show – Delhi, CA  December 7, 2014 

Judge: Herr Edgar Hellmann – ADRK Germany

King vom Deniel Rott – V1 & Sieger

II Kincsem – Gold Cup, Budapest, Hungary September 28, 2014 

Judge: Gagic Aleksandar FCI Serbia


Yazmin vom Haus Burns V1 in the Champion Female Class

RKNA Breed Show, Victoria BC September 28, 2014 

Judge: ADRK Germany, Anton Spindler


Trixie vom Haus Burns V1 in the Open Female Class, Best  Female and Best of Breed !!!


Utz vom Kressbach V1 in 12 – 18 male class

King vom Deniel Rott V2 in Working Class Male

RKNA Breed Show, Nashville, TN September 20 & 21, 2014 

Judge: Tatyana Popova, FCI Russia

Kira vom Haus Burns V1 in the 12-18 Female Class & Best youth Female !!!

Jeff vom Nuenkircher Schloss V2 in 12 – 18 male class

King vom Deniel Rott V2 in Working Class Male

ADRK World Show, Westheim, Germany May 31, 2014 

Jeff vom Nuenkircher Schloss 


 VV1 in the 6-9 male class and ADRK Jungsten BOB World Winner !!!!

Young ADRK World Champion !!! 250 Rottweilers in show


FCI World Frontier Days Dog Show in Vicenza, Italy April 25, 2014 

Judge: Anton Spindler – ADRK Germany

Maxi von der Siegquelle V2 Jugendklass from 29 females in class

ADRK Specialty Show BG Speicher, Germany May 4, 2014 

Judge: Helmut Weiler – ADRK Germany

Jeff vom Neunkircher Schloss VV1 6-9 Male Class

Daisy vom Haus Burns V2 Intermediate Female Class

Sierra vom Haus Burns V3 Open Female Class

King vom Deniel Rott V4 Open Male Class

FCI International Dog Show in Luxembourg March 29, 2014 

Judge: Chantal Delafontaine – FCI Belgium

King vom Deniel Rott V1 Intermediate Class, CACL, CACIB

Best Male Rottweiler and Best of Breed !!! (Over 2000 dogs at show)

ADRK Specialty Show BG Neuwied, Germany March 30, 2014 

Judge: Rudiger Schmidt – ADRK Germany

King vom Deniel Rott V2 Open Male Class

Zivan von der Janvari V2 Champion Class

Maxi von der Sigquelle V3 Jugendklass

Fedora vom Haus Burns V3 Intermediate Class

Trixie vom Haus Burns V2 Open Female Class

RKNA BREED SHOW and RKNA KLUBSIEGER Nashville, TN Sep. 21 & 22, 2013 

Judge: Hans Jurgen Radtke (ADRK GERMANY)

Judge: Gerard O’Shea (FCI SWEDEN)

King vom Deniel Rott V1 both days 12-18 male

Best youth male on saturday and RKNA Youth Klubsieger !!!

Ilse von der Bleichstrasse V3 both days

Judge: Paul-Dieter Viehoff (ADRK GERMANY)

Dallas vom Golden Valley (Zidan son) VP1 4-6 Male

Fedora vom Haus Burns VP1 9-12 Female

Kasper von der Bleichstrasse SG3 12-18 Male

Quest vom Haus Burns V1, Youth Sieger and New Youngest RKNA Champion !!!

Zidan von der Janvari V1 Champion Male

ARC National Sieger Show 4-20-2013 and 4-21-2013 – Clairmont, CA 

Judge: Alfredo Estrada, FCI Judge (Mexico)

Judge: Hetje Lashley-Harmsma, FCI Judge (Netherlands)

Garth vom haus Burns VP3 4-6 Male

Daisy vom haus Burns VP2 6-9 Female

Akino vom haus Burns VP3 9-12 Male

Kasper von der Bleichstrasse VP1 9-12 Male, Best Male Puppy!!!

A.J. vom haus Burns VP2 9-12 Female

Ilse von der Bleichstrasse V1 12-18 Female

Quest vom haus Burns V2 18-24 Male

Leo von der Crossener Ranch V3 Open Male

Unique von der Scherau V3 Working female

RKNA Breed/Sieger Show 2-23-2013 and 2-24-2013 – Miami, FL



Akino vom haus Burns VP1 9-12 Male – Best Male Puppy

Sierra vom haus Burns V1 12-18 Female

Willow vom haus Burns VP3 9-12 Female

Quest vom haus Burns V1 12-18 Male – Youth Sieger

Zivan von der Janvari V1 Open Male

Unique von der Scherau V2 Open female

Akino vom Haus Burns VP1, Best Male Puppy ADRK Judge and Head Breed Warden Edgar Hellmann

Quest vom Haus Burns V1, Youth Sieger ADRK Head Judge Werner Walter

RKNA Breed Show Jan. 4-5, 2012 – Phoenix, AZ 

Judge: Lucy Ang (RKNA)

Akino vom haus Burns 2nd place 6-9 Male

Daisy vom haus Burns 1st place 4-6 Female

A.J. vom haus Burns 2nd place 6-9 Female

Willow vom haus Burns 1nd place 9-12 Female – Best Female Puppy

Sierra vom haus Burns 1st place 12-18 female – Best Youth Female

Zivan von der Janvari 2nd place Open Male

Unique von der Scherau 1st place open female

 USRC National Sieger Show Show Dec. 1-2, 2012 – Lake Elsinore, CA

ADRK Judge Helmut Weiler (Germany)

FCI & IFR Judge Carla Lensi (Italy)

Akino vom haus Burns 1st place 6-9 Male

Daisy vom haus Burns 1st place 4-6 Female

Dixie vom haus Burns 3rd place 4-6 Female

A.J. vom haus Burns 1st place 6-9 Female

Yazmin vom haus Burns 2nd place 6-9 Female

Sierra vom haus Burns 1st place 12-18 female

Zidan von der Janvari 2nd place Champion Male

Unique von der Scherau 1st place open female and 2012 National Best Female

RKNA Sieger Show Show Oct. 6-7 2012 – Chaplin, CT

FCI Judge Yvonn Bekkers (Netherlands)

Zivan von der Janvari V2 Open Male (11 dogs in class)

Amira vom Kazimov V1 Open Female (10 females in class)

Zidan von der Janvari V1 Champion Male plus Best Male in Show and Best in Show

ARV National Sieger Show Show Sep. 14-16 2012 – Caryville, TN

FCI Judge Mick Svaljek

Sierra vom Haus Burns VP4 9-12 Female puppy (8 dogs in class) 

Amira vom Kazimov V Rated Open Female (16 dogs in class)

Mia vom Kazimov V2 12-18 Female (10 dogs in class)

Zivan von der Janvari V1 Open Male (13 dogs in class)

RKNA Klub Sieger Show Show Sep. 1 & 2 2012 – Victoria, BC Canada

Head ADRK Judge and Breed Warden in Germany Edgar Hellman

Sierra vom Haus Burns VP2 9-12 Female puppy, Amira vom Kazimov V2 Open Female,

Zivan von der Janvari V1 Open Male and Zidan von der Janvari V1 Champion Male Class

USRC Select Seiger Show December 3rd & 4th 2011- Lake Elsinore, CA

Marlo vom Kazimov VP2, Neo vom Kazimov VP3, Mia vom Kazimov VP1

CH. Amira vom Kazimov V1, CH. Rick vom Grossen Tal V2,

Hasko von der burg Weibertreu V1, Zidan von der Janvari V2 and

Zivan von der Janvari V1 – Select Male!!!

ARV National Sieger show October 15, 2011 Carson, CA Results:

Mia vom Kazimov 6-9 Female VP1Marlo vom Kazimov 6-9 Males VP4

Iris is Rojaus Slenio 12-18 Females SG2Person non Grate Hariton 12-18 Males SG3

Amira vom Kazimov Champion Female V1Zidan von der Janvari Champion Male V1

Hasko von der burg Weibertreu Veteran Male V1 and Zivan von der Janvari Open Male V1 (10 dogs in class)

We are Located in Dunnellon, FL This is 75 Miles NW of Orlando, 36 miles SW of Gainesville and 80 miles N of Tampa
